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order, n.
  1. (of a branch point) þrep, kvíslitala, kvíslunartala
  2. (of a derivative) röð, þrep
  3. (of a determinant) stærð, þrep
  4. (of a differential equation) röð, þrep
  5. (of a group) stærð, fjöldatala
  6. (of a meromorphic function) raðstig
  7. (of a pole) stig
  8. (of a square matrix or determinant) stærð
    = size 2
  9. (of a zero) margfeldni
  10. (of an element in a group) lota, raðstig
    = period 2
  11. (of an elliptic function) þrep, stig
    = degree 7
  12. (of an entire function) = order of growth
  13. röðun, hlutröðun, raðvensl
    = order relation 1, ordering 1, partial order, partial ordering
  14. línuleg röðun, fullröðun
    = linear order, linear ordering, order relation 2, ordering 2, simple order, simple ordering, total order, total ordering