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Setjið inn leitarorð eða tilgreinið leitarskilyrði með reglulegri segð.

tan, abbr.
  1. = tangent 2
acceptance, n.
  1. viðtaka, viðtekt
acceptance inspection
  1. viðtökupróf
acceptance limit
  1. viðtökumark
acceptance probability
  1. viðtökulíkindi
    = chance of acceptance
algebraic distance
  1. stefnubundin fjarlægð
    = directed distance, signed distance
angular distance
  1. hornfjarlægð
    = angular separation
arc cotangent
  1. arkarkótangens
    = inverse cotangent
arc tangent
  1. arkartangens
    = inverse tangent
area-hyperbolic cotangent
  1. andhverfur breiðbogakótangens
    = inverse hyperbolic cotangent
area-hyperbolic tangent
  1. andhverfur breiðbogatangens
    = inverse hyperbolic tangent
bicommutant, n.
  1. tvívíxill
birectangular, adj.
  1. tvírétthyrndur
centre-to-centre distance
  1. miðjufjarlægð
chance of acceptance
  1. viðtökulíkindi
    = acceptance probability
commutant, n.
  1. miðjungur
    = centralizer
  2. víxlagrúpa, afleidd grúpa
    = commutator group, commutator subgroup, derived group
  3. víxlimengi, víxlialgebra
concomitant factor
  1. fylgiþáttur
concomitant information
  1. viðbótarupplýsingar, fylgiupplýsingar
    = ancillary information, supplemental information, supplementary information
concomitant variable
  1. fylgibreyta
constant, n.
  1. fasti, fastastærð
constant, adj.
  1. fastur
constant field
  1. fastasvið
    = field of constants
constant function
  1. fastafall, fasti, fast fall
constant of motion
  1. hreyfingarfasti
constant of proportionality
  1. hlutfallstala, hlutfallsþáttur
constant term
  1. fastaliður
    = absolute term
constant transition probability
  1. föst færslulíkindi, stöðug færslulíkindi
cotangent, n.
  1. kótangens
    -> cot
curve of constant breadth
  1. jafnbreiður ferill
    = orbiform curve
directed distance
  1. stefnubundin fjarlægð
    = algebraic distance, signed distance
distance, n.
  1. fjarlægð
    -> metric
distance-preserving, adj.
  1. firðrækinn
    = isometric 1
equidistance curve
  1. jafnfirðarferill
    -> hypercycle
equidistant, adj.
  1. jafnfjarlægur
Euler's constant
  1. fasti Eulers
expectancy, n.
  1. = expectation
externally tangent
  1. sem snertir að utan, sem snertir utan frá
field of constants
  1. fastasvið
    = constant field
field of tangents
  1. snertlasvið
    = tangent field
flex tangent
  1. hverfisnertill, beygjuskilasnertill
    = inflectional tangent, inflexional tangent, stationary tangent
focal distance
  1. brennilengd
    = focal length
functional constant
  1. fallfasti
geodesic distance
  1. gagnvegafjarlægð
golden rectangle
  1. gullinn rétthyrningur
hyperbolic cotangent
  1. breiðboga kótangens
    -> coth, ctgh, cth
hyperbolic tangent
  1. breiðbogatangens
    -> tanh, tgh, th
inflectional tangent
  1. hverfisnertill, beygjuskilasnertill
    = flex tangent, inflexional tangent, stationary tangent
inflexional tangent
  1. = inflectional tangent
instantaneous state
  1. andrárástand
integration constant
  1. heildunarfasti, tegrunarfasti
internally tangent
  1. sem snertir að innan, sem snertir að innanverðu