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th, abbr.
  1. = hyperbolic tangent
  1. $K$-fræði
abelian differential of the first kind
  1. Abel-deildi af fyrstu gerð, fágað deildi, Abel-diffur af fyrstu gerð, fágað diffur
abstract mathematics
  1. hrein stærðfræði
    = pure mathematics
act faithfully
  1. = act effectively
act on the left
  1. verka frá vinstri
act on the right
  1. verka frá hægri
actuarial mathematics
  1. tryggingastærðfræði
adaptive iterative algorithm
  1. aðhæft ítrekunarreiknirit
addition theorem
  1. samlagningarregla
    = addition formula
  2. samlagningarsetning
additive number theory
  1. talnafræði samlagningar
algebraic number theory
  1. algebrutalnafræði, algebruleg talnafræði
    = algebraic theory of numbers
algebraic theory of numbers
  1. = algebraic number theory
algorithm, n.
  1. reiknirit, algórismi, reikningsaðferð
    = algorism
algorithm of Euclid
  1. reiknirit Evklíðs, keðjudeiling
    = euclidean algorithm
algorithmic, adj.
  1. reiknirits-, reikni-
alternating direction method
  1. víxlstefnuaðferð
alternative hypothesis
  1. gagntilgáta
altitude theorem
  1. hæðasetning
  2. (of a right triangle) hæðarsetning
analytic number theory
  1. fáguð talnafræði, talnafræðigreining
    = analytic theory of numbers
analytic theory of numbers
  1. = analytic number theory
annihilator method
  1. eyðingaraðferð
antilogarithm, n.
  1. andlogri
    = inverse logarithm
antithetic correlation
  1. neikvæð fylgni
    = inverse correlation, negative correlation
antithetic events
  1. sundurlægir atburðir
    = incompatible events, mutually disjoint events, mutually exclusive events
apothem, n.
  1. (of a cone) skáhæð
    = slant height
  2. (of a regular polygon) inngeisli, innri geisli, skammgeisli
    = short radius
applied mathematics
  1. heimfærð stærðfræði
approximation method
  1. nálgunaraðferð
approximation theorem
  1. nálgunarsetning
approximation theory
  1. nálgunarfræði
arc length
  1. bogalengd
arc length element
  1. bogalengdarfrymi
arc length function
  1. bogalengdarfall
arithmetic, adj.
  1. reiknings-, reikni-
    = arithmetical
arithmetic, n.
  1. (elementary) reikningur, talnareikningur, reikningslist, tölvísi
  2. talnafræði, talnalist
    = number theory, theory of numbers
arithmetic average
  1. = arithmetic mean
arithmetic distribution
  1. strjál dreifing
    = discrete distribution
arithmetic function
  1. talnafræðifall, talnafræðilegt fall
    = arithmetical function, number-theoretic function
arithmetic mean
  1. meðaltal, hreint meðaltal, venjulegt meðaltal
    = arithmetic average, ordinary arithmetic mean
arithmetic operation
  1. reikningsaðgerð, grunnreikningsaðgerð
    -> elementary operation 1
arithmetic problem
  1. reikningsdæmi
arithmetic progression
  1. jafnmunaruna
    = arithmetic sequence
arithmetic sequence
  1. = arithmetic progression
arithmetic series
  1. jafnmunaröð
arithmetic-geometric mean
  1. markmeðaltal
    = arithmetico-geometric mean
arithmetical, adj.
  1. = arithmetic
arithmetical function
  1. = arithmetic function
arithmetician, n.
  1. reiknimeistari, reikningsmaður, reikningsgarpur
arithmetico-geometric mean
  1. = arithmetic-geometric mean
ascent method
  1. risaðferð
automata theory
  1. sjálfvirkjafræði