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reciprocal, adj.
  1. (with respect to a multiplication) umhverfur, margföldunarumhverfur, andhverfur, margföldunarandhverfur
  2. (with respect to an operation) umhverfur, andhverfur
    = inverse 2
  3. gagnkvæmur
reciprocal, n.
  1. (with respect to a multiplication) umhverfa, margföldunarumhverfa, margföldunarandhverfa
    = multiplicative inverse, reciprocal element 1
    -> inverse 4, reciprocal matrix, reciprocal number
  2. (with respect to any operation) umhverfa, andhverfa
    = inverse 4, inverse element, reciprocal element 2
reciprocal element
  1. = reciprocal 1
  2. = reciprocal 2
reciprocal function
  1. umhverft fall, marföldunarumhverfa falls, margföldunarandhverfa falls
reciprocal matrix
  1. andhverft fylki, umhverft fylki, andhverfa (fylkis), umhverfa (fylkis)
    = adjugate matrix 3, inverse matrix
reciprocal number
  1. umhverf tala, umhverfa, margföldunarumhverfa, andhverf tala, andhverfa, margföldunarandhverfa, gagnkvæm tala
    = inverse number
reciprocal spiral
  1. breiðger vefja
    = hyperbolic spiral
reciprocally proportional
  1. í öfugu hlutfalli við
    = inversely proportional
    -> directly proportional