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one, n.
  1. einn
    = unity 1
  2. eining, einingarstak, margföldunarhlutleysa
    = identity 4, identity element 2, unit element, unit 2, unity 2, unity element
all or none
  1. allt eða ekkert
antitone, adj.
  1. minnkandi, fallandi, lækkandi
    = antitonic, decreasing, monotonically decreasing, non-increasing
    -> strictly decreasing
arc component
  1. ferilsamhengisþáttur, vegsamhengisþáttur
    = path component
bicone, n.
  1. tvíkeila, tvöföld keila
    = double cone
brachistochrone, n.
  1. skammtímaferill
    -> cycloid
circular cone
  1. snúðkeila, hringkeila
    -> cone of revolution, right circular cone
component, n.
  1. (of a graph) samhengisþáttur, þáttur
    = connected component 1, maximal connected subgraph
  2. (of a product) þáttur
  3. (of a topological space) samhengisþáttur, þáttur
    = connected component 2
  4. (of a vector) liður, þáttur
    = component vector
  5. (of an $n$-tuple) hnit, stak, stuðull
component analysis
  1. liðagreining
  2. þáttagreining
    = factor analysis
component of error
  1. skekkjuliður
component vector
  1. = component 4
cone, n.
  1. keila
    -> circular cone, right circular cone, right cone, conical surface
cone of revolution
  1. snúðkeila
    -> circular cone
connected component
  1. (of a graph) samhengisþáttur, þáttur
    = component 1, maximal connected subgraph
  2. (of a topological space) samhengisþáttur, þáttur
    = component 3
continuity on one side
  1. einhliða samfelldni, samfelldni frá annarri hlið
    = one-sided continuity
derivative on one side
  1. einhliða afleiða
    = one-sided derivative, unilateral derivative
differentiability on one side
  1. einhliða deildanleiki, einhliða diffranleiki
    = one-sided differentiability, unilateral differentiability
double cone
  1. tvíkeila, tvöföld keila
    = bicone
exponent, n.
  1. veldisvísir
    = power exponent
    -> power 1
exponent of inseparability
  1. óaðskiljanleikavísir
    = index of inseparability
    -> degree of inseparability
exponential, adj.
  1. vísis-
  2. veldisvísis-
exponential curve
  1. veldisvísisferill, vísisferill
exponential distribution
  1. veldisvísisdreifing, vísisdreifing
exponential equation
  1. veldisvísajafna
exponential function
  1. veldisvísisfall, vísisfall
    -> exp
exponential growth
  1. veldisvísisvöxtur, vísisvöxtur
exponential law
  1. veldisvísaregla
    = law of exponentiation, law of exponents
exponential series
  1. vísisfallaröð
exponential type
  1. veldisvísisgerð
exponential valuation
  1. vísisvirðing
    = additive valuation
    -> non-archimedean valuation, ultrametric valuation
fractional exponent
  1. brotinn veldisvísir
frustum of cone
  1. keilustúfur, stýfð keila
    = truncated cone
homogeneous component
  1. einsleitur þáttur
hyperboloid of one sheet
  1. einblaða breiðbogaflötur, einskála breiðbogaflötur
    = one-sheet hyperboloid
identity component
  1. hlutleysuþáttur
isochrone, n.
  1. = isochronal
isotone, adj.
  1. stígandi, vaxandi, hækkandi
    = increasing, isotonic, monotonically increasing, non-decreasing
    -> order-preserving
Kronecker delta
  1. Kronecker-tákn
    = Kronecker symbol
Kronecker symbol
  1. = Kronecker delta
law of exponentiation
  1. veldisvísaregla
    = exponential law, law of exponents
law of exponents
  1. = law of exponentiation
many-one correspondence
  1. margein samsvörun
mapping cone
  1. vörpunarkeila
material non-equivalence
  1. misgilding, misgildi
    = alternation 2, alternative, exclusive disjunction, non-equivalence
modus ponens
  1. aðskilnaðarregla, aðskilnaðarháttur
    = rule of detachment
monotone, adj.
  1. = monotonic
monotone convergence
  1. einhalla samleitni
monotone convergence theorem
  1. setning um einhalla samleitni
non-empty, adj.
  1. ekki tómur
non-enumerable, adj.
  1. óteljanlegur
    = non-denumerable, uncountable
non-equivalence, n.
  1. misgilding, misgildi
    = alternation 2, alternative, exclusive disjunction, material non-equivalence