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norm, n.
  1. staðall, lengd
    -> absolute value, valuation
asymptotically normal
  1. aðfellunormlegur
binormal, n.
  1. tvíþverill
binormal distribution
  1. tvívíð Gaussdreifing, tvívíð normleg dreifing, tvívíð normaldreifing
    = bivariate normal distribution
bivariate normal distribution
  1. tvívíð Gaussdreifing, tvívíð normleg dreifing, tvívíð normaldreifing
    = binormal distribution
centred and normed distribution
  1. stöðluð dreifing
    = standardized distribution
convergence in norm
  1. staðalsamleitni
cumulative normal distribution
  1. Gauss-dreifingarfall, normlegt dreifingarfall, normlegt dreififall
    = normal distribution function
curve of normal distribution
  1. Gauss-ferill, normlegur dreififerill
    = error curve, error distribution curve, Gaussian curve, Gaussian error curve, normal curve 2, normal distribution curve, normal error curve, normal frequency curve, normal probability curve
euclidean norm
  1. evklíðskur staðall
first normal
  1. meginþverill, höfuðþverill
    = principal normal
inward normal
  1. innstæður þvervigur, innstæður þverill, innri þvervigur, innri þverill
Jordan normal form
  1. = Jordan canonical form
matrix norm
  1. fylkjastaðall
norm topology
  1. staðalgrannmynstur
    -> metric topology, strong topology
norm-preserving, adj.
  1. staðalrækinn
normable, adj.
  1. staðlanlegur
normal, adj.
  1. normlegur
  2. þver, þverstæður, hornréttur, þverlægur
    = orthogonal, perpendicular 1
  3. staðal-
normal, n.
  1. þverill, þverlína
    = normal line
    -> normal vector
normal basis
  1. normlegur grunnur
normal bundle
  1. þverbundin, þverlabundin
normal component
  1. þverþáttur, þverliður
normal convergence
  1. staðalsamleitni
    -> absolute convergence
normal coordinates
  1. normleg hnit
normal curve
  1. (in algebraic geometry) normlegur ferill
  2. (in statistics) Gauss-ferill, normlegur dreififerill
    = curve of normal distribution, error distribution curve, error curve, Gaussian curve, Gaussian error curve, normal distribution curve, normal error curve, normal frequency curve, normal probability curve
normal derivative
  1. þverafleiða
normal distribution
  1. Gauss-dreifing, normleg dreifing
    = Gauss distribution
normal distribution curve
  1. = normal curve 2
normal distribution function
  1. Gauss-dreifingarfall, normlegt dreifingarfall, normlegt dreififall
    = cumulative normal distribution
normal equation
  1. staðaljafna
    = standard equation
  2. (in algebra) normleg jafna
  3. (in linear algebra) þverjafna
normal error curve
  1. = normal curve 2
normal extension
  1. normleg útvíkkun, normleg víkkun
normal family
  1. samrýnd fjölskylda
normal field
  1. normlegt svið
normal form
  1. staðalgerð, normleg gerð, staðalframsetning, normleg framsetning
    -> Jordan form
normal frame
  1. þverlarammi, þverrammi
normal frequency curve
  1. = normal curve 2
normal frequency function
  1. normlegt tíðnifall
normal line
  1. þverill, þverlína
    = normal
normal matrix
  1. normlegt fylki
normal operator
  1. normlegur virki
normal orthogonal basis
  1. þverstaðlaður grunnur, staðlaður þvergrunnur, hornréttur einingargrunnur
    = normalized orthogonal basis, orthonormal basis
normal plane
  1. þverslétta
normal population
  1. normlegt þýði
normal probability curve
  1. = normal curve 2
normal process
  1. Gauss-ferli, normlegt ferli
    = Gaussian process
normal random variable
  1. normleg hending
    = normal variate
normal separable extension
  1. Galois-útvíkkun, Galois-víkkun
    = Galois extension
normal series
  1. normlegur turn
    = normal tower
normal space
  1. normlegt rúm