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limit, n.
  1. markgildi
  2. öfugt markgildi
    = inverse limit, projective limit
    -> colimit
  3. (of a definite integral) = limit of integration
acceptance limit
  1. viðtökumark
attention limit
  1. viðvörunarmörk
    = warning limit
central limit theorem
  1. meginmarkgildissetning tölfræðinnar, höfuðsetning tölfræðinnar
class limit
  1. flokksmark
    = class boundary
colimit, n.
  1. beint markgildi
    = direct limit, inductive limit
    -> limit 2
confidence limit
  1. öryggismark, vikmark
direct limit
  1. beint markgildi
    = colimit, inductive limit
    -> inverse limit
inductive limit
  1. beint markgildi
    = colimit, direct limit
    -> projective limit
inferior limit
  1. neðra markgildi, minnsti þéttipunktur, neðsti þéttipunktur
    = limes inferior, limit inferior, lower limit
inverse limit
  1. öfugt markgildi
    = limit 2, projective limit
left limit
  1. markgildi frá vinstri, vinstra markgildi
    = left-hand limit, limit from below, limit from the left, limit on the left, limit to the left
left-hand limit
  1. markgildi frá vinstri, vinstra markgildi
    = left limit, limit from below, limit from the left, limit on the left, limit to the left
limit case
  1. marktilfelli
limit element
  1. markgildisstak
limit from above
  1. = limit on the right
limit from below
  1. = limit on the left
limit from the left
  1. = limit on the left
limit from the right
  1. = limit on the right
limit function
  1. markfall, markgildisfall
limit inferior
  1. neðra markgildi, minnsti þéttipunktur, neðsti þéttipunktur
    = inferior limit, limes inferior, lower limit
limit of error
  1. hámarksskekkja
    = maximum error, limiting error
limit of integration
  1. endapunktur, heildunarmark, heildismark, tegrunarmark, tegurmark
    = limit 3
limit on the left
  1. markgildi frá vinstri, vinstra markgildi
    = left limit, left-hand limit, limit from below, limit from the left, limit to the left
limit on the right
  1. markgildi frá hægri, hægra markgildi
    = limit from above, limit from the right, limit to the right, right limit, right-hand limit
limit ordinal
  1. markraðtala
    = limiting ordinal, ordinal of the second kind
limit point
  1. þéttipunktur
  2. markgildispunktur
    = limiting point
    -> accumulation point, cluster point
limit superior
  1. efra markgildi, stærsti þéttipunktur, efsti þéttipunktur
    = limes superior, superior limit, upper limit
limit theorem
  1. markgildissetning
    -> central limit theorem
limit to the left
  1. = limit on the left
limit to the right
  1. = limit on the right
limited variation
  1. takmarkað vik
limiting error
  1. = limit of error
limiting ordinal
  1. = limit ordinal
limiting point
  1. = limit point
limiting position
  1. markstaða
local limit theorem
  1. setning um staðbundið markgildi
lower class limit
  1. efra flokksmark
lower control limit
  1. efra stýrimark
lower limit
  1. neðra markgildi, minnsti þéttipunktur, neðsti þéttipunktur
    = inferior limit, limes inferior, limit inferior
non-limiting ordinal
  1. eftirfararaðtala
    = ordinal of the first kind, successor ordinal
one-sided limit
  1. einhliða markgildi
passage to the limit
  1. markgildistaka
Poisson's limit theorem
  1. markgildissetning Poissons, lögmál Bortkiewicz, lögmál lítils fjölda, lögmál sjaldgæfra atburða
    = Bortkiewicz law, law of rare events, law of small numbers
projective limit
  1. öfugt markgildi
    = inverse limit, limit 2
    -> inductive limit
radial limit
  1. geislamarkgildi
rejection limit
  1. = rejection boundary
right limit
  1. markgildi frá hægri, hægra markgildi
    = limit from above, limit from the right, limit on the right, limit to the right, right-hand limit
right-hand limit
  1. markgildi frá hægri, hægra markgildi
    = limit from above, limit from the right, limit to the right, limit on the right, right limit
superior limit
  1. efra markgildi, stærsti þéttipunktur, efsti þéttipunktur
    = limes superior, limit superior, upper limit