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complement, n.
  1. (in a Boolean algebra etc.) fylling
  2. (of an angle) lagshorn
  3. (of a linear subspace) fyllirúm
    = complementary subspace, supplement 2, supplementary space
  4. (of a subset) fyllimengi
    = complementary subset
    -> difference 2
  5. = complementary event
complement relation
  1. (for the gamma function) falljafna Eulers
complement with respect to 10
  1. tugafylling, tugafyllitala
complementarity, n.
  1. fyllingarskilyrði
complementary angle
  1. lagshorn
complementary event
  1. fylliatburður, andstæða, andstæður atburður
    = complement 5
complementary number
  1. fyllitala, tölufylling
complementary probability
  1. fyllilíkindi
complementary subset
  1. fyllimengi
    = complement 4
complementary subspace
  1. = complement 3
complementation, n.
  1. fylliaðgerð
orthocomplement, n.
  1. = orthogonal complement
orthogonal complement
  1. þverfyllirúm, hornrétt fyllirúm
    = orthocomplement
    -> annihilator 3
relative complement
  1. mengjamunur, mengjamismunur
    = difference 2
    -> complement 4