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Setjið inn leitarorð eða tilgreinið leitarskilyrði með reglulegri segð.

boundary, n.
  1. jaðar
    = frontier
    -> circumference, contour 2, periphery
accessible boundary point
  1. aðgengilegur jaðarpunktur
boundary arc
  1. jaðarbogi
boundary behaviour
  1. jaðarhegðun
boundary condition
  1. jaðarskilyrði
boundary curve
  1. jaðarferill
boundary element
  1. jaðarbútur
boundary layer
  1. jaðarlag
boundary operator
  1. jaðarvirki
boundary point
  1. jaðarpunktur
    = frontier point
boundary problem
  1. = boundary value problem
boundary value
  1. jaðargildi
boundary value problem
  1. jaðargildisverkefni
    = boundary problem
chain boundary, n.
  1. keðjujaðar
class boundary
  1. = class limit
coboundary, n.
  1. hjájaðar
coboundary operator
  1. hjájaðarvirki
ideal boundary
  1. sjóndeildarjaðar
inaccessible boundary point
  1. óaðgengilegur jaðarpunktur
manifold with boundary
  1. víðátta með jaðri
    -> bounded 2, bounding manifold
manifold without boundary
  1. víðátta án jaðars
mapping of the boundary
  1. jaðarvörpun
mixed boundary value problem
  1. blandað jaðargildisverkefni
rejection boundary
  1. höfnunarmark, frávísunarmark
    = critical value 2, rejection limit, significance point