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Setjið inn leitarorð eða tilgreinið leitarskilyrði með reglulegri segð.

area, n.
  1. (of a plane set) flatarmál
    = measure of area
  2. (of a surface) flatarmál, yfirborðsmál, yfirborð
    = surface area, surface measure
area form
  1. flatarmálsform
    -> element of area
area histogram
  1. súlurit, stuðlarit
    = histogram
    -> bar chart, bar diagram, bar graph, block diagram, column diagram
area preserving
  1. flatarrækinn
area-hyperbolic cosine
  1. andhverfur breiðbogakósínus
    = inverse hyperbolic cosine
area-hyperbolic cotangent
  1. andhverfur breiðbogakótangens
    = inverse hyperbolic cotangent
area-hyperbolic function
  1. andhverft breiðbogafall
    = antihyperbolic function, inverse hyperbolic function
area-hyperbolic sine
  1. andhverfur breiðbogasínus
    = inverse hyperbolic sine
area-hyperbolic tangent
  1. andhverfur breiðbogatangens
    = inverse hyperbolic tangent
element of area
  1. flatarmálsfrymi
    = surface element
    -> area form
lateral area
  1. kápuflatarmál, möttulflatarmál
measure of area
  1. flatarmál
    = area 1
    -> area 2, surface area, surface measure
outer area
  1. ytra flatarmál
preservation of area
  1. flatarrækni
surface area
  1. yfirborðsmál, yfirborð, flatarmál
    = area 2, surface measure
    -> area 2, measure of area