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sphere, n.
  1. (solid sphere) kúla, hnöttur, knöttur
    = ball, full sphere, solid sphere
    -> packing of spheres
  2. (spherical surface) hvel, kúluhvel, kúluflötur, kúluyfirborð
    = spherical surface
    -> bundle of spheres, celestial sphere, circumscribed sphere, circumsphere, complex sphere, escribed sphere, exotic sphere, exsphere, hemisphere, horned sphere, horosphere, inscribed sphere, insphere, northern hemisphere, one-sphere, osculating sphere, pseudosphere, Riemann sphere, sheaf of spheres, southern hemisphere, topological sphere, unit sphere
bundle of spheres
  1. (in geometry) bundin af hvelum, hvelabundin
    = sheaf of spheres
  2. (in topology) hvelabundin
    = sphere bundle
celestial sphere
  1. himinhvel, himinhvolf, himinhvelfing, himinkúla
circumscribed sphere
  1. umrituð kúla
    = circumsphere
circumsphere, n.
  1. = circumscribed sphere
complex sphere
  1. talnahvel Riemanns
    = Riemann sphere
    -> closed complex plane, complex projective line
escribed sphere
  1. útinnrituð kúla, útkúla, utanverð snertikúla
    = exsphere
exotic sphere
  1. framandlegt hvel
exsphere, n.
  1. útinnrituð kúla, útkúla, utanverð snertikúla
    = escribed sphere
full sphere
  1. kúla, hnöttur, knöttur
    = ball, solid sphere, sphere 1
hemisphere, n.
  1. hálfhvel
  2. kúluhelmingur, hálfkúla
horned sphere
  1. hyrnt hvel
horosphere, n.
  1. jaðarkúla
inscribed sphere
  1. innrituð kúla, innanverð snertikúla
    = insphere
insphere, n.
  1. innrituð kúla, innanverð snertikúla
    = inscribed sphere
northern hemisphere
  1. nyrðra hálfhvel, norðurhvel
one-sphere, n.
  1. einvítt hvel, einhvel
    -> circle, Jordan curve
osculating sphere
  1. hjúfurhvel, krappahvel, sveigjuhvel, hjúfurkúla, krappakúla, sveigjukúla
    = sphere of curvature
packing of spheres
  1. kúlnatroðsla
    = sphere packing
pseudosphere, n.
  1. gervihvel
Riemann sphere
  1. talnahvel Riemanns
    = complex sphere
    -> closed complex plane, complex projective line
sheaf of spheres
  1. bundin af hvelum, hvelabundin
    = bundle of spheres 1
solid sphere
  1. kúla, hnöttur, knöttur
    = ball, full sphere, sphere 1
southern hemisphere
  1. syðra hálfhvel, suðurhvel
sphere bundle
  1. hvelabundin
    = bundle of spheres 2
sphere of contact
  1. snertihvel, snertikúla
sphere of curvature
  1. hjúfurhvel, krappahvel, sveigjuhvel, hjúfurkúla, krappakúla, sveigjukúla
    = osculating sphere
sphere packing
  1. kúlnatroðsla
    = packing of spheres
sphere with handles
  1. haldahvel, kúluhvel með handföngum
    -> handlebody
topological sphere
  1. grannhvel
unit sphere
  1. einingarhvel