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sh, abbr.
  1. = hyperbolic sine
backward shift
  1. afturfærsla
Chebyshev polynomial
  1. Tsjebysjev-margliða
cosh, abbr.
  1. = hyperbolic cosine
dash, n.
  1. (the symbol $^\prime$) strik, merki [$f'$, lesið $f$ dash: $f$ merkt]
    = accent, prime 3
distinguish, v.
  1. aðgreina [ distinguish points: aðgreina punkta]
    -> separate
distinguished element
  1. grunnpunktur
    = base point
distinguished subgroup
  1. normleg hlutgrúpa, óbreytt hlutgrúpa
    = invariant subgroup, normal subgroup
fine sheaf
  1. fínt knippi
forward shift
  1. framfærsla
hyperboloid of one sheet
  1. einblaða breiðbogaflötur, einskála breiðbogaflötur
    = one-sheet hyperboloid
hyperboloid of two sheets
  1. tvíblaða breiðbogaflötur, tvískála breiðbogaflötur
    = parted hyperboloid, two-sheet hyperboloid
many-sheeted surface
  1. margblaða flötur
membership, n.
  1. ívera
membership relation
  1. íveruvensl
membership sign
  1. íverutákn
    = set-membership symbol
mesh, n.
  1. möskvastærð
  2. möskvaskipting
mesh of triangles
  1. þríhyrningaskipting
    -> triangulation
mesh point
  1. möskvahnútur, hnútur
non-vanishing, adj.
  1. hvergi núll
  2. ekki núll
    = non-zero
one-sheet hyperboloid
  1. einblaða breiðbogaflötur, einskála breiðbogaflötur
    = hyperboloid of one sheet
Polish notation
  1. pólskur ritháttur, fortáknun
    = Lukasiewicz notation, prefix notation
    -> parenthesis-free notation, postfix notation
Polish space
  1. pólskt rúm
presheaf, n.
  1. forknippi
push-out, n.
  1. hjátrefjasumma, trefjasumma
    = cofibred sum, fibre sum, fibred sum
push-out diagram
  1. hjákarteskur ferningur
    = cocartesian square
set-membership symbol
  1. íverutákn
    = membership sign
shape, n.
  1. lögun, snið, gerð, mót
    = form 4
sheaf, n.
  1. (in geometry) bundin
    = bundle 1
  2. (in topology) knippi
sheaf homomorphism
  1. knippamótun
sheaf of circles
  1. bundin af hringjum, hringabundin
    = bundle of circles
sheaf of lines
  1. bundin af línum, línubundin
    = bundle of lines
sheaf of parallel lines
  1. bundin af samsíða línum, samsíðubundin
    = bundle of parallel lines
sheaf of planes
  1. bundin af sléttum, sléttubundin
    = bundle of planes
    -> pencil of planes
sheaf of spheres
  1. bundin af hvelum, hvelabundin
    = bundle of spheres 1
sheaf space
  1. knippisrúm
sheaf theory
  1. knippafræði
shear, n.
  1. skekking
    = transvection 2
sheet, n.
  1. blað, þynni
  2. (of a cone) strútur
    = nappe
    -> lateral surface
shift, n.
  1. stjökun
    -> translation
shift operator
  1. stjökunarvirki
shock wave
  1. höggbylgja
short, adj.
  1. stuttur, skammur
short multiplication
  1. stuttamargföldun, stytt margföldun
    = abbreviated multiplication, abridged multiplication
short radius
  1. inngeisli, innri geisli, skammgeisli
    = apothem 2
shortest-route problem
  1. skammleiðarverkefni, verkefni skemmstu leiðar
shrinking, n.
  1. samskrepping
sky-scraper sheaf
  1. skýjakljúfsknippi
soft sheaf
  1. mjúkt knippi
spherical shell
  1. kúluskel