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root, n.
  1. (of a number) rót
    = radical 1, radix 1
  2. (of an equation or a congruence) rót, lausn
    = solution 1
  3. (of a polynomial) rót, núllstöð
  4. (of a rooted tree) rót
biquadratic root
  1. fjórða rót
characteristic root
  1. kennirót
    -> characteristic value
cube root
  1. þriðja rót, teningsrót, verpilrót
double root
  1. tvöföld rót
extraneous root
  1. óviðkomandi rót
imaginary root
  1. þverkyns rót
multiple root
  1. margföld rót
    = repeated root
    -> multiple zero
primitive root
  1. frumstæð rót
repeated root
  1. margföld rót
    = multiple root
root field
  1. klofningssvið
    = decomposition field, field of decomposition, splitting field
root function
  1. rótarfall
root of unity
  1. einingarrót
root sign
  1. rótarmerki
    = radical 3, radical sign
root test
  1. rótarpróf
root-mean-square, n.
  1. ferningsmeðaltalsrót
    = root-sum-square
    -> quadratic mean
root-mean-square error
  1. staðalskekkja
    = standard error
    -> mean square error
root-sum-square, n.
  1. = root-mean-square
rooted tree
  1. rótartré
second root
  1. ferningsrót, önnur rót
    = square root
simple root
  1. einföld rót
    -> simple zero
square root
  1. önnur rót, ferningsrót
    = second root
triple root
  1. þreföld rót