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proof, n.
  1. sönnun
    = demonstration
    -> argument 3, deduction, inference, logical deduction
constructive existence proof
  1. uppbyggjandi tilvistarsetning
deductive proof
  1. afleiðslusönnun
direct proof
  1. bein sönnun
elementary proof
  1. grunnstæð sönnun
existence proof
  1. tilvistarsönnun
    = proof of existence
formal proof
  1. formleg sönnun
impossibility proof
  1. ófærusönnun, ómöguleikasönnun
independence proof
  1. óhæðisönnun
indirect proof
  1. óbein sönnun
    = proof by contradiction, reductio ad absurdum
induction proof
  1. þrepasönnun, þrepunarsönnun, rakin sönnun
    = inductive proof, proof by induction, proof by mathematical induction, proof by recursion
inductive proof
  1. = induction proof
non-constructive existence proof
  1. óuppbyggjandi tilvistarsönnun
proof by cases
  1. tilvikasönnun
proof by contradiction
  1. óbein sönnun
    = indirect proof, reductio ad absurdum
proof by induction
  1. þrepunarsönnun, þrepasönnun, rakin sönnun
    = induction proof, inductive proof, proof by mathematical induction, proof by recursion
proof by mathematical induction
  1. = proof by induction
proof by recursion
  1. = proof by induction
proof by transfinite induction
  1. ofurendanleg þrepunarsönnun, ofurendanleg þrepasönnun
proof of existence
  1. tilvistarsönnun
    = existence proof
proof theory
  1. sannanafræði
rigorous proof
  1. ströng sönnun