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law, n.
  1. lögmál, regla
    -> theorem
absorption law
  1. gleypiregla
associative law
  1. tengiregla
    = associative rule, associativity law
associativity law
  1. = associative law
Bernoulli's law of large numbers
  1. markgildissetning Bernoullis, Bernoulli-lögmál mikils fjölda
Bortkiewicz law
  1. lögmál Bortkiewicz, markgildissetning Poissons, lögmál lítils fjölda, lögmál sjaldgæfra atburða
    = law of rare events, law of small numbers, Poisson's limit theorem
cancellation law
  1. styttiregla
commutation law
  1. = commutative law
commutative law
  1. víxlregla
    = commutation law
cosine law
  1. kósínusregla
    = cosine rule, law of cosines
distributive law
  1. dreifiregla
    -> left distributive law, right distributive law
exponential law
  1. veldisvísaregla
    = law of exponentiation, law of exponents
external composition law
  1. = external composition
external law of composition
  1. = external composition
group law
  1. grúpuaðgerð
growth law
  1. vaxtarregla
law of composition
  1. aðgerð, reikniaðgerð
    = algebraic operation, operation 2
    -> binary operation, internal composition, internal operation, multiplication law
law of cosines
  1. kósínusregla
    = cosine law, cosine rule
law of excluded middle
  1. lögmál um annað tveggja
    = principle of the excluded middle, tertium non datur
law of exponentiation
  1. veldisvísaregla
    = exponential law, law of exponents
law of exponents
  1. = law of exponentiation
law of formation
  1. myndunarregla
    = formation rule
law of inertia
  1. tregðuregla, tregðuregla Sylvesters
    = Sylvester's law
law of large numbers
  1. lögmál mikils fjölda, meðalgildislögmál
law of least action
  1. lögmál minnstu verkunar
law of quadratic reciprocity
  1. ferningsgagnkvæmnissetning, setning um ferningsgagnkvæmni
    = quadratic reciprocity law
law of rare events
  1. = law of small numbers
law of sines
  1. sínusregla
    = sine law, sine rule
law of small numbers
  1. lögmál Bortkiewicz, markgildissetning Poissons, lögmál lítils fjölda, lögmál sjaldgæfra atburða
    = Bortkiewicz law, law of rare events, Poisson's limit theorem
law of tangents
  1. tangensregla
    = tangent law
left distributive law
  1. vinstri dreifiregla
modular law
  1. = modular identity
multiplication law
  1. margföldun, reikniaðgerð rituð sem margföldun
    -> multiplication, law of composition
parallelogram law
  1. samsíðungsregla
quadratic reciprocity law
  1. ferningsgagnkvæmnissetning, setning um ferningsgagnkvæmni
    = law of quadratic reciprocity
reciprocity law
  1. gagnkvæmnissetning
right distributive law
  1. hægri dreifiregla
sine law
  1. sínusregla
    = law of sines, sine rule
Sylvester's law
  1. tregðuregla, tregðuregla Sylvesters
    = law of inertia
tangent law
  1. tangensregla
    = law of tangents
transitive law
  1. gegnvirkniregla, gegnvirknilögmál